About Us

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore ipsam alias quae cupiditate quas, neque eum magni impedit asperiores.

Contact Us

Custom Website Design & Development Services

We offer a wide range of web development services that will help you put your business on the map and start making a profit.

  • Build a website that gets you a business
  • Create e-commerce that brings in $$$
  • Consultants, guides, and partners for brands

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Let’s Envision and Build together.
Custom Solution
Latest Work

We help you create unique and strategic designs.

We design and build extraordinary experiences that captivate audiences and promote ongoing interaction.

  • E-Store
  • Automotive
  • Beauty Product
  • Cleaning
  • Real Estate
Work Together

11555+ Customers are already building amazing websites and online store with Digitaurus. Are you ready to build yours?

Serving Businesses Of All Sizes. Our Services Are Available For All.

We excel at dealing with large-scale businesses effectively and provide equal attention to small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups.


$650.00 ONLY


Add on: $199 for 30-second Explainer Video Animation

  • 3 Pages Website
  • 3 Banner Design
  • 5 Stock Photos
  • 1 jQuery Slider Banner
  • FREE Google Friendly Sitemap
  • Complete W3C Certified HTML
  • 48 to 72 hours TAT
  • Facebook Page Design
  • Twitter Page Design
  • YouTube Page Design
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% Unique Design Guarantee
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee *


$999.00 ONLY


Add on: $199 for 30-second Explainer Video Animation

  • 5 Unique Pages Website
  • CMS / Admin Panel Support
  • 8 Stock images
  • 5 Banner Designs
  • 1 jQuery Slider Banner
  • FREE Google Friendly Sitemap
  • Complete W3C Certified HTML
  • 48 to 72 hours TAT
  • Facebook Page Design
  • Twitter Page Design
  • YouTube Page Design
  • Complete Deployment
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% Unique Design Guarantee
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee *


$1498.00 ONLY


Add on: $199 for 30-second Explainer Video Animation

  • 8-10 Pages Website
  • Conceptual and Dynamic Website
  • Online Payment Integration
  • Online Booking Tool
  • Content Management System
  • Mobile Responsive Website
  • Custom Forms
  • Lead Capturing Forms
  • Striking Hover Effects
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • Newsfeed Integration
  • Social Media Integration
  • Search Engine Submission
  • 5 Stock Photos
  • 3 Unique Banner Design
  • 1 jQuery Slider Banner
  • Complete W3C Certified HTML
  • 48 to 72 hours TAT
  • Facebook Page Design
  • Twitter Page Design
  • YouTube Page Design
  • Complete Deployment
  • 100% Unique Design Guarantee
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee *


$3199.00 ONLY


Add on: $199 for 30-second Explainer Video Animation

  • 10 Unique Pages Website Design
  • Custom, Interactive, Dynamic & High End Design
  • Customize WordPress (or) PHP Development
  • Interactive Sliding Banners
  • 10 Stock Images
  • 10 Banner Designs
  • Special Hoover Effects
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Content Management System (WordPress or Custom)
  • Mobile Responsive
  • 10 Professional Email ID's
  • Google Friendly Sitemap
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Complete W3C Certified HTML
  • Industry specified Team of Award Winning Designers and Developers
  • Complete Deployment
  • Value Added Services
  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 100% Ownership Rights
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$5199.98 ONLY


Add on: $199 for 30-second Explainer Video Animation

  • Unlimited Pages Website Design
  • Custom Made, Interactive, Dynamic & High End Design
  • Customized WordPress & PHP Development
  • Interactive Sliding Banners
  • Up to 15 Custom Made Banner Designs
  • 15 Stock Images
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Special Hoover Effects
  • Content Management System
  • Custom Dynamic Forms (Optional)
  • Signup Area (For Newsletters, Offers etc.)
  • Search Bar
  • Live Feeds of Social Networks integration (Optional)
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Up to 15 Professional Email ID's
  • Google Friendly Sitemap
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Complete W3C Certified HTML
  • Industry specified Team of Award Winning Designers and Developers
  • Complete Deployment
  • Value Added Services
  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 100% Ownership Rights
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

Our all-in-one platform gives you everything you need to run your business.

We believe anything is possible with the right website to engage visitors. Whether you're about to create a website for the first time or you're a long time pro, we've got you covered.

Let's Get Started Talk to us

Brilliant Responsive Work

“We talk regarding web design services for our website and how it was affecting our rankings. The team provided us responsive web design services and SEO consultation too!”

Looking for a reliable and skilled digital agency to get started?

Our team at Digitaurus is waiting to help our clients effectively and efficiently implement their business ideas. Fill up the form below to help us know more about your ideas.

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(855) 600-2859

Chat With Us (855) 600-2859